Monday, 30 June 2008

What to call the new book?

Since I'm hoping you might buy the book when it comes out in the autumn (!), I'd value your comments on possible titles (see shortlist below).

Whatever about judging a book by its cover, a good title certainly helps. In the four years or so since I had the idea for a book of tips on sustainable living -- subtitle: '101 ways to save money, time and some of the planet's other scarce resources' -- it's gone through several working titles. The current shortlist includes:

Drive like a woman, shop like a man
Swedish researchers found recently that women travel and drive less than men, and men buy fewer things than women. Currently my personal favourite working title -- but don't let that influence your comment!

Borrow this book
Can't see the publisher and booksellers liking this one!

Live like granny
May be a bit too 'sandals and lentils', and harking back to the bad old days?

Do things by halves

Live life unplugged
But already commonly used e.g. for blogs

Lights on, and nobody home?
Too widely used to mean somebody is not all there?

Still, sparkling . . . or sustainable?
Not sure that a question works in the title

Shop naked
Hmm. What people would find if they Googled for Mary Mulvihill + naked?!

But what do you think -- do any of these catch your book-buying eye? Make you want to read more?? Comments (just click below) welcome.


Therese said...

Quite fancy Drive Like a Woman etc although it might be a bit long, depends on the book's format. The bigger the format, the less of a problem a long title presents. However, the following humble offerings are all I can suggest... Love T x

Would you credit it?
101 ways to save time and energy
(sort of pun on energy credits etc...)

Stop the Lights -- 101 ways to save the planet

Braking News -- 101 ways to save time, energy and resources

I can continue in this vein if it's any use... Talk to you. Therese

Catherine C said...

Hi Mary!
I like Drive Like a Woman, but think there are many other connotations there. Might put off a few people?

How about Share this Book... do you think the publishers would still balk? I like the idea of a provocative title, I must say!

Will keep thinking!

Talk soon,

Colm said...

Would agree with Catherine C. about the other connotations of "Drive like a woman", not immediately clear the association with your message.
How about "One Planet Living - 101 ways to save energy, money and .... the planet"
The one-planet-living thing already exists but I love the concept, I find it immediate, but maybe no point preaching to the converted ?

MM said...

Mary said:

Thanks Colm, and agreed: the "one world" concept is very effective at conveying just how much of the planet we are wasting. Sadly, I don't think I could borrow it for a title -- it's probably trademarked, and certainly belongs to the campaign.

It looks like the publisher will go Drive like a woman . . . we are hoping it will intrigue both men and women, and catch the unsuspecting reader, as well as the converted.